Education, Career and Wealth


Do you want to know which educational field suits you the most? Which career will benefit you the most? Are you not satisfied about the level of your or your kid’s education? Do you wish to pursue higher education? Do you want to choose a career path with the least amount of obstructions?

Vedic astrology can help you get answers to all your questions about education and career. In short, it goes without saying that Astrology can help you a lot when it comes to knowing, assessing and understanding one’s educational prospects. Acharya Salil guides students to unlock the true potential and overcome the challenges in achieving your education goals.


In professional life, Vedic Astrology can help you in making the right choices at the right time by using birth charts or Kundli. The more you are sensitive to timing while acting on your decisions, the more chances of seeing favorable returns in the future. Acharya Salil’s career predictions will help you to choose the right directions in your career.


After the right education and professional career the next thing that everyone desires is generation of wealth. However the uncertainty of achieving success leaves many desires unfulfilled.

Acharya Salil can help you unleash your personal power to achieve wealth.